Judge Ananias Green
(From The Baptist Workman Roswell, NM July 6, 1906:)
We give our readers this week a glimpse of a New Mexico Baptist pioneer.
Judge Ananias Green was born near Selma, Pery County, Ala. Oct. 12, 1824. His
parents, Jesse and Jemima Green, lived at the place of his birth until he was
fifteen years old. Ananias spent his time here in hunting fishing and going to
school in a log school house with a dirt floor. When Judge Green was fifteen
years old his parents moved to Choctaw County, Mississippi. His parents died
in 1845 he married Miss Sarah Griffis of Chickasaw County, Mississippi.
He moved to Washington County, Texas and lived in various Texas counties at
different times. He owned negro slaves valued at ten thousand dollars. These
he inherited from his parents. Upon the emancipation proclamation by Lincoln
Judge Green called his ten negroes to him and told them that they were free
men. They loved him so much that not one of them would leave him. They all
stayed with him for some time.
At different times he served the state of Texas as Assessor, Justice of the
Peace and County Commissioner of Washington County. He served for a time
during the war between the States, in the Texas militia.
In 1885 his wife died. He had been making preparations to move to New Mexico
and after his wife's death he moved to the mouth of Last Chance arriving July
4, 1886. In the following November he moved to Seven Rivers. While he was on
a trip to Texas he was elected a Justice of the Peace. Two years later, while
on another visit to Texas, he was elected County Commissioner of Lincoln
County, which then embraced the territory now comprising Lincoln, Chaves,
Roosevelt and Otero counties. He held this office for two years.
In 1896, he was married to Mrs. Charity Gorman who survives him.
To his first marriage there were born six sons, John, James, Jesse,
To his first marriage there were born six sons, John, James, Jesse,
Ananias,Jr., William and Tom. Three daughters were also born to this union;
Mrs. Susan Gilmore, Isabel Vaughn and Sarah Pierce. All of these children are
living. Judge Green has 87 living descendants, 27 of them being great
There were two things for which Judge Green was particularly distinguished .
He had been probate judge of Eddy County for six terms in succession and had
been nominated for the seventh time without opposition.
He organized the first Baptist Association in New mexico and served it as
Moderator ninteen times, no one else ever occupying that position during his
He was an active man up to the time of his last illness. He had just
returned from a visit to Rev. Lee Green, of Hallettsville, Texas a few days
before his death. Rev. Lee Green is Judge Green's brother and is 87 years old.
During Judge Green's visit of two weeks, Rev Lee Green who is a Baptist
minister, attended revival services every day and within the two weeks preached
three times and conducted a funeral.
The death of Judge Green was due to a stroke of apoplexy and occurred June
4th, 1906. He was a true friend, faithful citizen, dutiful officer, kind
hearted man and sincere Christian.
The Baptists of New Mexico are greatly indebted to him. They sincerely mourn
his departure and cherish his memory.
His funeral conducted from the Baptist Church at Carlsbad was attended by a
large concourse of people. The editor of the BAPTIST WORKMAN preached the
sermon and the Masonic order of which he had long been a member buried him with
the ceremonies of their order.
From the Baptist Workman, Roswell NM, July6, 1906
courtesy of Find A Grave